MOV videos can be converted to MP4 using a number of different software programs. The most popular conversion programs are Movavi and Adobe Premiere. To convert a MOV video to MP4, first make sure that the video is in the correct format. MOV videos are typically in .mov format, but there are also some .mp4 conversions available. Once the video is in the correct format, you can start converting it by using one of the popular conversion programs. The first step is to choose the program that you want to use. There are many different programs available, so it’s important to find one that will work best for your specific needs. If you have any questions about which program to use, be sure to ask your favorite convertor! Once you have chosen a program, it’s time to start converting the video. This process can take a few minutes or even less depending on how well your converter works. Once the conversion is complete, you will have a new MP4 file that you can download and use as desired!

RELATED: What Is an MP4 File (and How Do I Open One)?

The Graphical Method: VLC Media Player

To convert your MOV video to MP4 format using a graphical option, look no further than the free and open-source VLC Media Player. This app helps you play as well as convert most media formats on your computers.

To perform your conversion with this app, first, download and launch VLC Media Player on your computer.

In VLC Media Player’s menu bar, click Media > Convert/Save.

On the “Open Media” window, click “Add” to add your source MOV file.

In the “open” window, select the folder where your MOV file is located. Then double-click the file to load it in VLC.

At the bottom of the “Open Media” window, click the “Convert/Save” button.

You’ll land on a “Convert” window. Here, from the “Profile” drop-down menu, select “Video – H.264 + MP3 (MP4).” This ensures your video is converted to MP4.

Then, next to the “Destination File” field, click “Browse.”

In the window that opens, select where you want to save the resulting MP4 file. In the “File Name” field, type a name for your file followed by .mp4. Make sure your file name doesn’t say .mov at the end.

Then hit the “Save” button.

Back on the “Convert” window, start the conversion process by clicking “Start.”

VLC Media Player will start converting your MOV video to MP4. And when that’s done, you will find the resulting MP4 file in your specified folder.

Another graphical way to convert media files is to use HandBrake, which is a free tool that converts nearly all media formats.

RELATED: How to Use Handbrake to Convert Any Video File to Any Format

The Command-Line Method: FFmpeg

If you prefer to use command-line methods, FFmpeg is a great free way to convert your MOV videos to MP4 from the command line. This is a tool that you download and then use from the command line to perform media file conversions.

To use it, first, head over to the FFmpeg site and download the package for your operating system. We’ll download and provide instructions for the Windows operating system, but the Mac steps aren’t too different.

Once you’ve downloaded FFmpeg, extract the contents of the archive to a folder on your computer.

Then locate your MOV video, right-click it, and select “Copy.”

Open the folder where you extracted FFmpeg, and access the “bin” folder. There, right-click anywhere blank and choose “Paste.” Your MOV video file is now available in the “bin” folder.

In the same “bin” folder, right-click anywhere blank and choose “Open in Windows Terminal.”

When Windows Terminal opens, type the following command and press Enter. In the command, replace with the name of your MOV file and target.mp4 with the name you want for your resulting MP4 file.

FFmpeg will start the conversion and you will see the live progress on your screen. Wait for it to finish.

When your conversion is finished, you will find the resulting MP4 file in the same “bin” folder. And you’re now ready to play your video file in MP4 format!

FFmpeg is an extremely useful utility, and you can use it to convert many other files, too. Check out our guide on the tool to learn all its uses.

RELATED: How to Convert Media Files Using the Command Prompt on Windows 10