If you’re looking to get into the Reddit community for the first time, or just want to explore some of its more obscure corners, creating a throwaway account might be a good idea. Here’s how to do it. First, head over to Reddit and sign up for an account. (If you already have an account, skip to step two.) Once you have an account, click on the “Your Account” link in the top right corner of the main page. This will take you to your profile page. On your profile page, click on the “Settings” link in the top left corner. This will take you to your settings page. Under “General Settings,” click on the “Create a new account” button. Enter a username and password (or use your existing Reddit account login). Make sure that the “Create a new account using a social network?” checkbox is unchecked and that “Log in using Facebook?” is also unchecked (these are both optional features). Click on the “Create Account” button. You will now be taken to a confirmation page where you will need to verify your email address by clicking on a link in the email that was sent to you after signing up for Reddit. Once verification is complete, click on the “Create Account” button again and you will be taken back to your profile page. ..

On Reddit, every post and comment you leave is tied to your user account. That’s usually fine, but what if you want to post anonymously? That’s what a throwaway account is for.

What Is a Throwaway Account?

A throwaway account is a temporary account used for a specific purpose—not your main Reddit account. Your regular Reddit account might include your name or make you identifiable through your posting history, and that can be limiting. If you want to be able to ask a question or leave a comment without anyone knowing it’s you, you need a throwaway account that can’t be identified.

Reasons to use a throwaway Reddit account include:

Discussing financial matters Speaking about personal or embarrassing problems Asking questions about working with an employer Any subject where you want to discuss something freely without being identified

Even if you usually use an alias online, you might want to post sensitive things using a throwaway account. Internet detectives won’t be able to go through all your comments and find clues to figure out who you are.

Remember, an account that isn’t identifiable doesn’t protect you from saying something that can be used to figure out who you are. Be careful what information you share.

The term “throwaway account” is also used for other types of accounts online, from email and social media to online gaming. It’s any temporary account that isn’t your main account.

How to Create a Throwaway Account on Reddit

Reddit accounts are free, and there is no limit on the number of accounts that you can create.

You can stay signed into your regular Reddit account while you use a throwaway account if you like. Just open a private browsing (incognito) window, launch a different browser, or use another browser profile.

Visit Reddit and click “Sign Up” at the top of the page. If you’re already signed in, you’ll have to sign out first.

Enter a username and password. The username can be anything so long as it is unique but don’t choose a username that you’ve used elsewhere. Be sure to select a username that isn’t associated with your regular Reddit username. Some people even put “throwaway” in the account’s name.

You don’t need to enter an email address to create an account—more on that later—but you must tick the CAPTCHA box before clicking the “Sign Up”  button.

Deselect any subreddits that have been selected for you and click the “Finish” button.

You will be signed in to Reddit with your new throwaway account.

Should You Add an Email Address?

You probably noticed that you didn’t add an email address when setting up your account. You don’t need one, but there are occasions where one might be useful.

You’ll need to have an email address on file if you forget your password and need to reset it. You won’t get email notifications for comments and messages if you don’t add an email address, either.

You can add an email address without using your real one in a couple of different ways.

Gmail users can create a disposable alias which funnels emails into their main Gmail inbox. You can then set labels and filters if you want to. You can create a whole new email address. Creating a new account at Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo is quick and easy.

Adding an email address can be helpful, but for the ultimate in throwaway Reddit accounts, don’t add one. If notifications are important to you, consider using the Reddit iPhone or Android app and enabling them there. And, if forgetting your password is a concern, use a password manager.