When you shop on Amazon, the process of ordering items is simple. You simply click on a product and it will take you to a page where you can choose your order size, shipping method, and payment options. Once you have chosen your order size and shipping method, you can click on the “Add to Cart” button to start your purchase. Once your order has been placed, Amazon will send you an email notification that your order has been shipped. You will then receive an email notification that your order has arrived. Once your order has arrived, you will need to open the package and check for the items that you ordered. If everything looks good, congratulations! If not, please contact Amazon support so that they can help resolve any issues that may have arisen during your purchase. If everything looks good and everything is as expected, please enjoy your new products! If not, please contact Amazon support so that they can help resolve any issues that may have arisen during your purchase.

While this is convenient, there are some downsides. The most obvious problem with 1-Click Ordering is security. If you have 1-Click enabled on your phone and you lose it or it ends up in the hands of a child, there’s nothing to stop them from ordering stuff with your phone. You might even place an accidental order yourself when you’re not paying attention.

Some orders can also go through a little too quickly to change your mind. Say a child takes your phone and orders an item that qualifies for free one-day (or same-day) shipping. If you don’t spot it immediately, the order could ship before you have a chance to cancel it. After it ships, you’re not dealing with a cancellation—you’re dealing with a return. It’s happened before and while it’s not a nightmare, it’s certainly an inconvenience.